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Guidelines for Parents


The school has the provision for counseling & has appointed a highly qualified counselor. Counseling is an important aspect in helping children and parents to overcome hurdles and challenges in life. To talk & discuss the problems in a friendly environment can help to reach the root cause of some painful issues that obstruct the performance of the child. Counselors help to recognize the problem area by understanding the nature of the person concerned and thereby chalking out a program to achieve the goal. Orientation programs are conducted from time to time for senior classes to bridge the gap between parents, teachers, and students.


Seminars on career counselling are conducted regularly to educate the students about the career and life skills. Adolescence programmers of classes IX-XII are also conducted to provide appropriate knowledge to students about the process of growing up and to enable them to deal with gender stereotypes and prejudices.


Parents Teacher Meets are held regularly to review the progress of the children. Parents should make it a point to attend these meets regularly and are requested not to enter the school premises or classrooms during the school hours.


1. Academic Session: From 1st April to 31st March
2. School Working days: Monday to Saturday


Monday to Friday



Pre-Nursery – K.G., XI-XII

8.20 am to 1.15 pm

8.50 am to 1.30 pm

I to X

8.20 am to 2.30 pm

8.50 am to 3.00 pm

Saturday Timings (I to XII)

8.20 am to 1.30 pm

8.50 am to 1.30 pm